
A field experiment was conducted during kharif seasons of 2007 and 2008 for two consecutive years at New Delhi, to study the effect of planting systems and phosphorus management in sole and intercropped pigeonpea [ Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] under rainfed conditions. The treatment comprised of 2 cropping systems [pigeonpea sole and pigeonpea + mungbean (2:1) { Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek}] and 3 planting systems (uniform row planting, broad-bed and furrow planting and paired row planting) as main plots and 4 levels of phosphorus and biofertilizers (control, 40 kg P O /ha. 40 kg P O /ha + PSB +AM and 80 kg P O /ha) as sub-plots replicated thrice in a split-plot 2 5 2 5 2 5 design. Significant improvement in the yield attributes and yield of component crops was observed under modified planting systems (BBF and paired row planting) over the uniform row planting. On an average, BBF and paired row planting recorded 16.0 and 11.1% increase in pigeonpea equivalent yield and 20.1and 13.8% in net returns over flat row planting. Sole and intercropped pigeonpea recorded statistically similar growth and yield attributes and yields during both the seasons. Pigeonpea equivalent yield (1.71 and 2.01 t/ha) of intercropped stand was 14.0 and 16.1% higher than sole stand in respective season. In term of net returns, the increase was 12.6 and 12.5% respectively. Application of 80 kg P O /ha, being on par with 40 kg P O /ha + PSB + AM, recorded signifi- 2 5 2 5 cantly higher growth parameters, yield attributes (except 1,000-grain weight), grain yield (1.67 and 1.87 t/ha) and stalk yield of pigeonpea over control (1.18 and 1.41 t/ha) and 40 kg P O /ha (1.43 and 1.64 t/ha). Similar effect of 2 5 these treatment was observed on P content and total P uptake in grain (12.31, 13.75 kg/ha) and in stalk (11.82, 13.19 kg/ha) of pigeonpea over rest of treatments. Application of 80 kg P O /ha, being on par with 40 kg P O /ha + 2 5 2 5 PSB + AM, recorded significantly higher pigeonpea equivalent yield (1.84 and 2.11 t/ha) over rest of treatments. On an average, 40 kg P O /ha + PSB + AM, recorded higher net returns and B:C ratio over remaining treatments. 2 5

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