
The present investigation was carried out with title “Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Plant growth, Yield and Fruit quality of Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)” at the Department of Horticulture, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh during the Kharif-2021-22 with a view to determine the effect of plant growth regulators application on brinjal hybrid variety Indam Supriya for its growth, quality and yield and to work out the economics of various treatments. Under this experiment, overall 9 treatments was taken T1 Control (water spray), T2 (GA3 @ 5 ppm), T3 (GA3 @ 10 ppm), T4 (Salicylic acid @ 50 ppm), T5 (Salicylic acid @ 75 ppm), T6 (GA3 @ 5 ppm and Salicylic acid @ 50 ppm), T7 (GA3 @ 10 ppm and Salicylic acid @ 50 ppm), T8 (GA3 @ 5 ppm and Salicylic acid @ 75 ppm) and T9 (GA3 @ 10 ppm and Salicylic acid @ 75 ppm). From the above experimental finding it was concluded that the treatment T5 (Salicylic acid @ 75 ppm) was found to be best in the terms of growth yield and quality of brinjal. While, the highest net return was found in the T5 with Rs. 1,18,290 and the highest B:C ratio was found in the same with 2.3.

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