
Fly ash from power stations is one of the effective fillers in bitumen binders due to its high specific surface area in origin state. This paper is focused on study of effect of phase and size characteristics of fly ashes on properties of bitumen binder. In this work a high-calcium (FA1) and low-calcium (FA2) fly ashes are used. According to chemical and mineral composition of FA1 is reactive in water medium because it contains hydraulic minerals. FA2 is hydraulically inert mainly consisting of aluminosilicate vitreous phase. FA1 is characterized by higher specific surface vs. FA2 according to Blain method data but lower specific surface measured with BET method. It can be associated with high porosity of FA2 that significantly influent on bitumen content in binding system. Lower packing density of FA2 particles leads to reducing of strength characteristics in bitumen composite. Low adsorption of bitumen to surface of FA1 particles initiates hydration process of reactive minerals as well as formation of ettringite phase that leads to extension of the binder system and structure decompaction. Bitumen composites based on FA2 with higher adsorptive capacity is characterized by more stable structure.

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