
High pressure methane adsorption isotherms were measured on five shale core samples obtained during exploratory drilling from three boreholes located in the Colombia Middle Magdalena Valley Basin. The experiments were carried out at 50 °C and 75 °C and for pressures ranging up to 3.5 MPa under dry conditions through the use of a home- made manometric set-up. The effect of total organic carbon content (TOC), thermal maturity, clay content and specific surface area (SSA) on methane adsorption capacity has been discussed. The excess adsorption data were fitted to a three parameter (nL, pL, ρads) Langmuir model maintained fixed the value of the adsorbed phase density, ρads, at 421 kg/m3, which corresponds to liquid phase density of methane at normal boiling point. An excellent fit to the experimental data was achieved. The results show that temperature has a negative effect on the adsorption capacity, while TOC has a positive one even if no linear regression was founded between TOC and methane adsorption capa...

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