
A fixed plot field experiment was conducted during winter during seasons of 1992-94, to study the effect of organic manure, fertilizer level and seed rate on yield and quality of late-sown wheat .(Trjticum aestjvum L. emend. Fiori & Paol.). Organic manuring at 10 tonneslha recorded higher values of yield attributes, grain and straw yields, grain protein content, net return and net returnlrupee investment than no organic manure. Application of 150% more than recommended dose of fertilizers (100:50:25 kg N : P : Wha) recorded signifieantly higher grain yield, harvest index and grain protein content than the lower levels of fertilizers. However, net return and net returnlrupee investment - - with 125% or 150% more application of fertilizers than the recommended dose were at par. The seed rate of 200 kglha recorded significantly higher grain and straw yields than 150 and 100 kglha but both net return and net returnlrupee investment were at par with 150 kg seed rate. Protein content in grain was unaffected by seed rates. The seed rate of 150 kglha recorded significantly higher harvest index than 200 kg seedha. Application of 10 tonneslha organic manure along with the recommended dose of fertilizer resulted in the same yield as obtained with 125% higher dose of fertilizers. However, 10 tonnes organic manure together with 125% more than the recommended dose of fertilizers recorded significantly higher grain yield than the application of 150% more fertilizers alone.. ..

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