
The present investigation entitled “Effect of Nitrogen Management through Nano-fertilizer in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)” was conducted during Kharif season of 2021 at instructional farm of Barrister Thakur Chhedilal College of Agriculture and Research Station Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh). Resulted that all the growth parameters and yield attributes which were significantly superior under the treatment 50 % RDN as basal + foliar spray of nano urea at tillering stage + foliar spray of nano urea at PI stage. Application of 50% RDN as basal + foliar spray of nano urea at tillering stage + foliar spray of nano urea at PI stage resulted higher gross income Rs. 146896.76 ha-1, Net income Rs. 97394.70 ha-1, B:C ratio 1.97 which was significantly superior over rest of the treatments. In the treatment 50% RDN as basal + foliar spray of nano urea at tillering stage + foliar spray of nano urea at PI stage was observed as the best treatment in increasing the grain yield (55.18 q ha-1) and straw yield (59.70 q ha-1) of rice crop. Availability of N, P2O5 and K2O in soil after harvest of rice crop were estimated higher with treatment 50 % RDN as basal + foliar spray of nano urea at tillering stage + foliar spray of nano urea at PI stage. Content and uptake of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium by rice crop were estimated higher under the treatment 50 % RDN as basal + foliar spray of nano urea at tillering stage + foliar spray of nano urea at PI stage.

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