
Sesame is one of the heavy feeders of nutrients to produce high and quality yields among oil crops. Application of fertilizers in relation to initial soil fertility status and crop requirement leads to economic and judicious use of fertilizers. Hence, the study was conducted on Sesame crop at Kamashi area in Benshangul Gumuz of Nitisols. The experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design with 4 levels of Nitrogen (0,23,46 and 69 N kg ha- 1and three levels of phosphorous fertilizer (0,10, and 20 kg P ha-1 in factorial arrangement with three replications. Results showed that seed yield of sesame significantly affected by N and P fertilizer application rate. The higher mean yield (998.9kg ha-1) was obtained from 46 N and 10P kg ha-1 interaction, however, the lower mean yield was recorded from the control. Comparing the yield of sesame application of 46N and 10P kg ha-1 had improved the seed yield of sesame by 248.0% compared to the control. The profitability of the study showed that application of 46 N and10 Pkg ha-1 which provided that relatively highest net benefit (29,502.8ETB), were the peak to apply fertilizers.

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