
Buds and shoot tips of wild bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and lingonberry (V. vitis-idaea L.) plants were cultured on a modified MS medium containing N6-isopentenyladenine (2iP), 9.8–78.4 μM, in order to study the effect of the 2iP-concentration on the initiation of growth. The experiment was first performed in the autumn and repeated in the spring to determine the influence of season on growth initiation. To optimise rooting, three different rooting treatments were tested for the bilberry and lingonberry microshoots. Shoots were rooted either in vitro with 0.49 μM IBA (indole-3-butyric acid) or ex vitro, incubating microshoots in 2.07 mM KIBA-solution (potassium salt of IBA) before planting, or microshoots were planted directly on peat without exogenous auxin. The best 2iP concentration for the initiation of the growth for bilberry was 49.2 μM and for lingonberry 24.6 μM. It was observed that increasing the 2iP concentration at the growth initiation stage increased the number of brownish explants both in bilberry and in lingonberry microcultures. Spring was a considerably better time than autumn for the initiation of new growth, for both species. The results of the rooting test showed that the KIBA-treatment before planting on peat increases rooting efficiency in both bilberry and lingonberry.

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