
The dissolution rate of apatite was determined in batch reactors in organic acid solutions and in microbial cultures. Inoculum for the cultures was from biotite plus apatite crystals from a granite weathering profile in South Eastern Australia. In both the biotic and the abiotic experiments, etching of the apatite surface leads to the formation of elongated spires parallel to the c axis. Apatite dissolution rates in the inorganic, acetate, and oxalate solutions increase as pH decreases from approximately 10 -11 mol/m -2 · s -1 at initial pH 5.5 to 10 -7 mol/m -2 · s -1 at initial pH 2. Under mildly acidic to near neutral pH conditions, both oxalate and acetate increased apatite dissolution by up to an order of magnitude compared to the inorganic conditions. Acetate catalyzed the reaction by forming complexes with Ca, either in solution or at the mineral surfaces. Oxalate forms complexes with Ca as well, and can also affect reaction rates and stoichiometry by forming Ca-oxalate precipitates, thus affecting solution saturation states. In all abiotic experiments, net phosphate release to solution approaches zero even when solutions are apparently undersaturated by several orders of magnitude with respect to the solubility of an ideal fluoroapatite mineral. In the microbial experiments, two enrichment cultures increased both apatite and biotite dissolution by producing organic acids, primarily pyruvate, fermentation products, and oxalate, and by lowering bulk solution pH to between 3 and 5. However, the microorganisms were also able to increase phosphate release from apatite (by two orders of magnitude) without lowering bulk solution pH by producing pyruvate and other compounds.

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