
When a drought period, several of which we have had in the last ten years, prevails in a community in which the water services are not metered, there is usually a shortage of water or at least a reduction in pressure. Considerable complaint is registered by the people living on the higher elevations when there is insufficient pressure to supply their domestic needs, while the people on the lower elevations are sprinkling lawns, washing cars, etc. Such a complaint is justified as the people living on the higher elevations pay just as much for water service under a flat rate system as those living on the lower levels. Such is a typical case of unbalanced consumption and charges. Metering will correct it and sometimes under conditions like this people will urge metering. As soon as metering is discussed in a community, however, considerable opposition generally arises thereto, with reasons put forth that it will force people to use less water than is necessary in order to keep the water charges from becoming high and burdensome. In reality it is the first step to keep water rates at a minimum. Thanks to the fortitude of water works and thinking municipal officials the installation of water meters is on the increase. In spite of considerable opposition in many cases before meters are installed, the writer knows of no case where meters, once installed, have been discarded for political or other reasons. This experience alone should indicate, in a broad sense, that the installation of meters is economically sound. It does not necessarily follow that as soon as meters are installed in the service lines of a water system total revenues will be on the increase, but it is invariably true that wastage is cut down and net revenue will increase, affecting parts of the plant remote from the meters. There are some cases where it might not be apparent at once that

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