
ABSTRACTWe did a pot experiment with three different fertilized soils (no fertilizer (No-F), inorganic fertilizer nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK), manure plus inorganic fertilizer (MNPK)) from a 19-year fertilizer trial. Three N treatments, (1) no N, (2) 100 mg/kg urea-15N (N), (3) 50 mg/kg urea-15N + 50 mg/kg corn straw-N (1/2N + 1/2S), were applied to each soil. The residual soil from the same treatments was used to grow second wheat crop. The MNPK soil had significantly higher nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in the first growing season, and lower N loss than the NPK, and No-F soils. The 1/2N + 1/2S treatment decreased NUE on each soil, even though the MNPK soil still had highest NUE and lowest N loss. The residual 15N use efficiency (RNUE) in 1/2N + 1/2S treatment of MNPK soil was higher than NPK and No-F soils. We concluded that long-term application of manure plus inorganic fertilizer increased NUE and decreased N loss.

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