
The influence of Li 2O doping (0.75–3.0 mol%) on surface and catalytic properties of NiO Fe 2O 3 , having a molar ratio of 1:2, was investigated. Pure and doped mixed solids were heated in air at 700 and 800 °C. The surface characteristics of various solids were determined from N 2-adsorption isotherms conducted at −196 °C and their catalytic activities were measured by following up the kinetics of CO oxidation by O 2 at 300–400 °C using a static method. The results revealed that the doping process brought about an increase in the specific surface area (S BET) of mixed solids. A maximum increase of about two-fold was observed by treating with 1.5% Li 2O. On the other hand, this treatment resulted in a drastic decrease (about 50%) in the catalytic activities of the doped catalysts. Lithium oxide doping altered the pre-exponential factor of the Arrhenius equation without changing the magnitude of the apparent activation energy of the catalytic reaction which might indicate that Li 2O did not change the mechanism of the catalytic reaction.

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