
We describe a series of molecular dynamics simulations performed on a model of charged lipid bilayer (dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylserine) and water, in presence of sodium and lithium ions, with an atomic detail. The structure of the lipid membranes was strongly affected by the presence of lithium, as manifested by the observation of a transition from a disordered to a gel state. Concerning the mechanism of such a transition, it was associated to the dehydration that we detected in the lipid-water interface in the presence of lithium. This dehydration introduced an increase in the lipid-lipid interactions, and as a consequence, a diminution of the disorder of the membrane. When both types of ions are present in the aqueous phase, lithium shown a special affinity for the lipid membrane displacing almost all the sodium ions toward the middle of the water layer. As a result, we observed remarkable differences in the atom and electric field distributions across the lipid membrane. Concerning the diffusion and orientation of water molecules across the lipid-water interface, we also observed a strong dependency of the type ion. On the other hand, the mobility and the hydration shell of lithium and sodium ions are strongly perturbed by the presence of the charged lipid bilayer. The lipid layer was responsible for a dehydration of the ions compared to bulk water. This dehydration was compensated by an increase of coordination number of the ions with the lipid oxygens. Also, the residence times of water in the first hydration shell of lithium and sodium ions are perturbed by the presence of the lipid membrane.

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