
The study was undertaken to see the effect of elevated feeding during pre-partum or pre- as well as post-partum period on the productive and reproductive performance of crossbred cows. The experiment lasted for 60 d pre-partum to 120 d post-partum. Eighteen dry pregnant crossbred cows divided into three equal groups were fed either as per NRC feeding standard (C) or 20% above NRC during 60 d pre-partum (T1) or fed 20% above NRC during both 60 d pre-partum to 120 d post-partum (T2) period. During pre- partum period body weight gain was significantly (p≤0.05) higher in T1 and T2 groups than that of control group. The animals fed at higher plane of nutrition (T1 and T2) took significantly lesser time for complete relaxation of pelvic muscles, act of calving and for expulsion of placenta than that of control group. Moreover, such cows delivered 2 to 3 kg heavier calves as compared to normal fed dams. During post-partum period, the average daily milk yield was significantly higher in T2 group than that in T1 and control groups. The peak yield was significantly higher in T2 group, it took longer time to reach peak production but it was more persistent in this group as compared to T1 and control groups. Average milk fat, solids-not-fat (SNF) and total solids were significantly higher in T1 and T2 groups as compared to control group. Body weight losses incurred during early lactation were not even compensated by end of 4th month of lactation in C and T1 groups whereas the animals in T2 group gained 2.0 kg. The 1st post-partum estrus and conception rate were better in high fed groups (T1 and T2) than that of control group. The returns over feed cost of milk production were higher in T2 group followed by T1 and control groups indicating the advantage of elevated feeding during pre- and post-partum periods. (Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 2003. Vol 16, No. 12 : 1749-1754)

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