
The results of study of the corrosive-mechanical wear of normalized steel 45 treated with a laser beam (Hl00 = 7800 MN/m 2) [2] when rubbed against nitrided steel 40KhNMA (HB = 7000 MN/m2), which was hardened and then subjected to low-temperature tempering, against chromium-modified cast iron KhI5M (HB = 5600 MN/m 2) [3], pearlitic cast iron SCh24-44 (HB = 2400 MN/m2), and bronze BrKMts3-1 (HB = 1700 MN/m 2) are set forth in the present study. The initial roughness of the effective surface corresponded to an eighth c l a s s s u r f a c e . Aqueous buffer so lu t ions with pH = 6 and oH = ! ! we re employed as c o r r o s i o n a c t i v e media . The t e s t s were conducted in a c c o r d a n c e with a s u r f a c e f r i c t i o n s cheme at a s l id ing r a t e of 1 m / s e c within the n o r m a l p r e s s u r e r ange (P) of 2-12 ~ N / m 2 [4].

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