
Vitamin A status and turnover were examined in rats that had been exposed to chronic dietary treatment of 3,4,5,3',4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyl (HCB), 1 mg/kg diet. HCB caused hepatic depletion and renal accumulation of vitamin A, and a 1.7-fold increase in the serum retinol concentration. Intravenously administered [3H]retinol bound to retinol binding protein-transthyretin complex (RBP-TTR complex) was used to study the dynamics of circulatory retinol in these rats. In HCB-treated rats, the plasma turnover rate of retinol was increased compared to vitamin A-adequate untreated controls. HCB caused a 50% reduction of total radioactivity in liver, and, except for 0.5 h after the [3H]retinol-RBP-TTR dose, the specific activity of the hepatic retinyl ester pool was greater compared to control rats. The kidneys of HCB-treated rats accumulated radioactivity in the retinyl ester fraction. HCB also caused a 50% reduction in adrenal radioactivity compared with control rats. Urinary and fecal excretion of radioactivity was 3-fold higher in HCB-treated rats as compared to controls. Our findings demonstrate that chronic HCB feeding results in expansion of plasma vitamin A mass, in changes of liver and kidney retinol and retinyl ester pool dynamics and in an increased metabolism of vitamin A.

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