
Despite the fact, that combination of heat treatment and treatment with exogenous biologically active substances increases shelf life of sweet bell pepper fruits and facilitates decreasing of metabolism, influence of such treatment on functioning of low-molecular antioxidant system was not studied. Used in this research hybrids of sweet bell pepper Hercules and Nikita were grown in the open-field conditions. Fruits were dipped for 15 min. into the prepared composition of biologically active substances with temperature of 45 ºС. Composition consisted of substances with bactericide and antioxidant effect: butylhydroxitoluol, lecithin and water extract of horse-reddish root. After drying fruits were put in box, covered with a polyethylene film, and stored in 7 ± 0,5 ºС and relative humidity 95 ± 1%. Influence of heat and antioxidant treatments combination on the content of lipid peroxidation products, ascorbic acid, phenol substances and carotenoids was studied.It was shown, that content of malondialdehyde in treated fruits is 1.7…2 times lower depending on hybrid in comparison with control groups. Heat treatment of pepper fruits with antioxidant composition inhibits oxidative activity of enzymes ascorbatoxidase and poliphenoloxidase, which leads to better maintenance of low-molecular antioxidant fund. Treated pepper fruit contain 20% more ascorbic acid and 10% more phenol substances. In pepper fruits, which were treated with heat and antioxidants, content of carotenoids is 20…30% higher comparing to the control group of fruit. Between the content of malondialdehyde and quantity of low-molecular antioxidants strong reverse correlative dependencies (r=-0,90…-0,92) were found, which testify to their importance in reactive oxygen species utilization during the storage of sweet bell pepper fruits

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