
The effect of alginit on the soil and on triticale was studied over three years, from 2012 to 2014, in a long-term field experiment set up on acidic sandy soil in Nyirlugos 53 years ago. A 100 t•ha-1 rate of alginit was applied in autumn 2011 on plots given 0, 50, 100 and 150 kg•ha-1•year-1 N. The originally 5 x 10 = 50 m2 plots were halved, and the halves without alginit treatment served as controls. The 4N + 4N (with alginit) = 8 treatments × 4 replications = 32 plots. The main results are as follows: 1. Physical soil measurements showed that alginit treatment had no effect on the total porosity or water capacity of the soil. The field capacity increased by 4.4% on average, but this was not significant. The saturation percentage (KA according to Arany) rose significantly from 30.2 to 31.6. 2. On alginit-treated plots the pH(KCl) increased from 3.9 to 6.2, CEC from 1.3 to 3.6, EC from 21 to 67 ms/cm and base saturation from 53% to 74%, while the hydrolytic acidity decreased from 10 to 6 after the first year. 3. NH4-acetate + EDTA-soluble Ca increased from 154 to 730, K2O from 50 to 62, Mg from 18 to 104, Sr from 0.9 to 4.4 mg•kg-1 and Ni from 125 to 330 μ g•kg-1 on the alginit-treated plots. 4. The straw and grain yield of triticale increased in all three years. Alginit treatment generally doubled the yields, especially on plots treated with 150 kg•ha-1•year-1 N, which became acidified and impoverished in Ca, Mg, K and P. 5. Alginit treatment increased the Mg, Mo and Cd uptake and reduced that of Mn, Zn and Ba by triticale seeds. The Ca, Mg, S and Mo concentrations increased in the straw, while the incorporation of Mn, Zn, Ba, Cu, Ni and Co was inhibited by alginit. 6. Alginit is a suitable mineral for the amelioration of similar acid sands, which may eliminate the acidity caused by excessive N supplies and improve the water holding capacity, colloidal and nutrient status and drought-tolerance, and thus their fertility.

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