
The effects of glyoxal and of glyoxal pretreatments on radiation-induced genetic damage were investigated in Drosophila melanogaster mature sperm, by means of sex-linked recessive and dominant lethality, reciprocal translocation and chromosome loss tests. In addition, the possible mutagenic effect of glyoxal was assessed in postmeiotic cells up to 7 days after treatment. The results obtained show: (1) the frequencies of recessive lethals after glyoxal treatment were within control values, (2) no clastogenic effect of glyoxal was observed, (3) glyoxal pretreatment did not modify the frequency of recessive lethals induced by X-rays, (4) after pretreatment with glyoxal a consistent, though not significant, increase was seen in the frequency of reciprocal translocations in 3 replicate experiments, (5) the yield of dominant lethals and of complete and partial chromosome loss induced by radiation was significantly increased by pretreatments with glyoxal. It is suggested that the increase of the frequency of genetic endpoints resulting from chromosome breakage, when glyoxal was administered prior to irradiation, could be ascribed to: (a) a sensitizing action of glyoxal to the clastogenic effect of ionizing radiation; (b) the formation of reactive species by the interaction of glyoxal with radiation; and/or (c) interference of glyoxal with the normal handling of radiation-induced lesions in mature postmeiotic male cells.

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