
An experiment was conducted in Cereal Technology Lab-Faculty of Agriculture– Omar, ELMokhtar University- A factorial experiment was conducted according to completely randomize design with three replications, during 2015 season with two factors in order to study the effect of soaking seeds in gibberellic acid on germination and growth of seedling maize (v. 310) under salt stress conditions. First treatment was soaked seeds in 500 ppm gibberllic acid for 24 hours Vs non soaked. Second treatment was different concentration of NaCl (zero, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000 ppm). The results showed the superiority of seeds soaked in gibberellic acid in giving faster germination start, the highest percentage of germination, fresh and dry weight seedling vigor, seedling length and chlorophyll content, As for the concentrations of NaCl, the planting media distilled water (Control) gave the lowest averages for faster start while low germination percentage was noticed when the concentrations of NaCl increased. The results also showed significant interaction effect between soaked treatment in gibberellic acid and NaCl concentration in most treatments. Increasing sodium chloride concentration in germination media greatly reduced germination percentage and seed germination completely inhibited at 9000 ppm NaCl. The results of this study recommend soaking maize seeds in 500 ppm gibberellic acid for 24 hours before planting, especially in salt affected soils.

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