
We asked whether dynamization of externally fixed diaphyseal fractures could improve bone healing in comparison to rigid fixation of fractures having similar remaining gap sizes. To answer this question we evaluated metatarsal osteotomies in 12 sheep. The osteotomy with a 0.6-mm gap was stabilized with a specially designed high bending and torsional stiffness external ring fixator. Osteotomies in six sheep were stabilized rigidly (axial movement < 0.06 mm) or dynamically (axial movement 0.15–0.34 mm). The cyclical axial interfragmentary movement was caused by the load-bearing of the operated limb. With increasing healing time, the initially allowed movement was decreased by callus formation around the osteotomy. The reduction in interfragmentary movement was measured and monitored by a linear variable displacement transducer at the external fixator and a telemetry system. After 9 weeks the sheep were sacrificed and the healed bones were investigated biomechanically and histomorphologically. Compared to the rigidly fixed osteotomies, the dynamized osteotomies showed significantly ( P < 0.05) greater (+41%) callus formation and 45% greater tensile strength of the newly formed bone in the cortical osteotomy gap. Histological analysis indicated that the effect of dynamization occurred mainly after the 5th week.

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