
The field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different levels (0, 50, 70, 90 & 110 kg N ha-1) of Nitrogen (N) on growth, yield and yield related parameters of wheat (cv. Koshan-02) in Kabul agro-climate condition at the Agricultural Research Farm of Kabul University, during spring 2020-21. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications, each replication consisted of five treatments. Total treatments were (15). The size of each plot was (2mx3m=6m2). The result of our study revealed that the plots treated with highest level (110 kg N ha-1) of N fertilizers produced the highest plant height (85.97cm). maximum number of grains spike-1 (35.74), the highest dry matter (3.937t ha-1), The highest number of tillers m-2 (152.76 m-2), 1000-grain weight (48.94g), grain yield (2891.1kg/ha) large spike length (10.52), number of grains spikelet-1 (2.98), Spikelet number spike-1 (11.54), followed by T4, T3 and T2. It was concluded that all treatments have ranked regarding their efficient effects as ((T5 (110 kg N ha-1> T4 (90 kg N ha-1> T3 (70 kg N ha-1> T2 (50 kg N ha_1> TControl) for all growth, yield and yield helping attributes such as plant height, number of grains spike-1, dry matter (kg ha-1), number of tillers plant-1, 1000-grain weight(g), grain yield (kg ha-1), spike length (cm), number of grains spikelet-1, number of spikelet spike-1, spike number m-2 and number of leaves plant_1. So, for obtaining aimed and desirable yield the application of (110 kg N ha-1) is recommended under research area conditions (Agro-Climatic Condition).

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