
A study on the utilisation of conserved soil moisture and the effect of sowing time on the productivity of taramira (Eruca sativa Mill.) was conducted during rabi 2021-22 at ICAR-CAZRI-RRS Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. The three treatments, i.e. T1 (sown in the last week of September) utilized conserved soil moisture with one irrigation, T2 (sown in the last week of October) and T3 (sown in the last week of November)- with two irrigations, was taken in this study. Yield attributes i.e. silique/branch, seed/siliqua and seed yield were significantly influenced by different treatments. The maximum silique/branch, seed/siliqua and seed yield was recorded in T1 (34.92; 20.35; 0.95 t/ha), followed by T2 (23.92; 17.52; 0.84 t/ha). The growth attributes like plant height, primary branches and pod length were not significantly affected by different treatments.

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