
In order to study the effect of cold temperature on morphological and quality characteristics of tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceae), seeds of five populations were provided from natural resource gene bank, Iran as: Bejnord, Esfahan, Brojen, Kamiran and Mashhad were sown on pots with condition of fluctuation temperatures at 20±5°C during day and (5-12)°C during night time in greenhouse. The base temperature (4°C) were applied on 15th days seedling age for 30 days for vernalization compare with control. The pots were return in normal conditions besides control pots in greenhouse and then outdoor. The pots were arranged using factorial experiments based on completely randomized design with three replications. The plants had grown up to their flowering and maturity stage. In flowering stage, morphological traits including: plant height, peduncle length, panicle length, flag leaf area and flag leaf length, fresh and dry weight and seed yield and quality traits as dry mater digestibility (DMD), crude protein (CP), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and total ash (ASH) were recorded. Results showed that populations of Mashhad, and Brojen had higher values for fresh and dry weight than those of other populations. For plant height, peduncle length, flag leaf area the Brojen, Bojnord and Kamyaran had higher values, respectively. For quality traits, the higher values of both DMD (56.5%) and WSC (14.09%) were obtained for Esfahan and higher value of CP (18.1%) for Bojnord. Results also showed that the growth degree days (GDD) of those populations which were subjected to cold treatment was lower flowering stage than those for control. It was concluded that cold treatment had no effect on vegetative developments particularly in seedling stage, but it reduced flowering dates in generative stage and increased plant dry matter yield. It was proved that the Tall fescue is cool season grass and it needs a period of vernalization for promotion of flowering.

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