
The effect of chemical reactions of burnt gas on heat transfer on a cooled wall in a turbulent channel flow is investigated by direct numerical simulations. Burnt gas from a H2/O2 mixture is used as a fluid and a detailed chemical reaction mechanism that considers eight chemical species and 19 elemental reactions is used in the reaction calculation. The initial gas temperature and pressure are 3173 K and 2.0 MPa, respectively. The Reynolds number based on the channel width and mean streamwise velocity is approximately 6400 and that based on the channel half width and friction velocity is approximately 200. The results show that heat release because of consumption of radicals such as OH and H near the wall increases the heat flux on the wall and that the heat flux is enhanced by the significant increase in the local heat flux at high-speed streaks where radicals are supplied by sweep events constituting bursting motions in the turbulent boundary layer.

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