
Obejective: To study the effect of hydroalcoholic extract of aerial parts of Achyranthes aspera on neutrophil phagocytic function . Methods: The different concentrations (25,50 and 100 mg / ml ) of extract of aerial parts of Achyranthes aspera was subjected to study its effect on different in vitro methods of phagocytosis such as neutrophil locomotion and chemotaxis, in vitro immunostumulant activity by phyagocytosis of killed Candida albicans and qualitative nitro blue tetrazolium test using human neutrophils. Results: This preliminary study revealed that Achyranthes aspera extract has stimulated chemotactic, phagocytic and intracellular killing potency of human neutrophils at the concentration range of 25 - 100 mg / ml. Conclusion: From the results obtained it can be observed that the hydroalcoholic extract of Achyranthes aspera stimulates cell-mediated immune system by increasing neutrophil phagocytic function.

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