
Abscisic acid (ABA) and salicylic acid (SA) alone and in combination was supplied to 4-day old seedlings of two rice cultivars Punjab Mehak 1 (resistant) and Pusa 1121 (susceptible) with and without Fusarium fujikuroi. Data was collected at 24, 48 and 72 h after treatment in shoot and root. Punjab Mehak 1 was found more sensitive to ABA and SA than Pusa 1121 during seedlings growth. It maintained higher root growth and protein content under pathogen infection than Pusa 1121. While in Pusa 1121, these were improved by application of ABA and ABA + SA. Punjab Mehak 1 showed early and high increase of lignin in roots under pathogen infection while in Pusa 1121, lignin was largely decreased. Pb. Mehak 1 showed upregulation of all three components lignin, flavonoids and phenolics under pathogen infection while Pusa 1121 showed upregulation of phenolics by decreasing lignin or flavonoids during infection. In control seedlings, exogenous applications of both ABA and SA produced almost similar effects, so might be involving common secondary signals. Response of combined ABA + SA was unique and different from single treatments.

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