
Incorporated trifluralin (0.75 kg ha−1) and pre-emergence applications of metribuzin (0.5 kg ha−1) and diphenamid (6.0 kg ha−1) provided effective weed control in transplanted Springset tomatoes grown with early-season supported row tunnels and a full-season clear unperforated polyethylene mulch. This plastic system influenced the weed flora by enhancing or inhibiting the germination and early growth of certain weed species. However, after 5 or 6 wk the clear plastic mulch severely limited further weed growth and competition. This may account for lack of tomato yield or fruit quality response to varying levels of weed control on mulched plots whereas there was a yield response related to levels of weed control on unmulched plots. The plastic mulch also reduced the loss of all three herbicides from soils compared with unmulched plots.Key words: Row tunnels, plastic mulch, trifluralin, metribuzin, diphenamid, herbicide persistence

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