
MD 805 ((2R, 4R) 4-methyl-l-[N α-(3-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetra-hydro-8-quinoline-sulfonyl)L-arginyl]-2-piperidine carboxylic acid monohydrate), an anticoagulant, was used in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing maintenance hemodialysis, and the results were compared with those of heparin. MD 805 produced no significant increase in PF-4 which was observed on hemodialysis with heparin. Moreover, the arterio-venous difference in β-TG during hemodialysis with MD 805 was significantly lower than that during hemodialysis with heparin. MD 805, even at the small amount of 15 mg/hr, exhibited a stable antithrombin effect without marked interindividual differences in coagulation time as monitored by aPTT. Consequently, it caused no increase in the proteins released as a result of platelet activation in the hemodialysis circuit. MD 805 thus proved very useful in maintenance anticoagulation therapy for patients on hemodialysis.

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