
In order to understand the effects of a single or combined trea tments of 1-MCP(1μL/L) and CO 2(100%) on the firmness of melting type peach fruit(cv. Chunjungdo), fruit were harvested at commercial maturity and examined physiological changes including flesh firmness during 10 days of shelf-life. Firmness loss of fruit was delayed by both single and combined treatments of 1-MCP and CO 2. The treatment of 1-MCP was more effective than CO2 treatment but no additive effective on firmness retention was found in the combined treatment. The upsurge of ethylene evolution occurred 5 days of shelf-life in air treated control but ethylene evolution gradually increased in fruit treated by 1-MCP and 1-MCP+CO2. The suppression of ethylene evolution seemed stronger in CO2 treatment. The respiration of fruit significantly inhibited up to 10 days except control where climacteric increase of respiration was found at 10 days of she lf-life. A molecular shift of pectic polymers(an increase of chelator soluble pectins and decrease of water soluble pectins) was induced by both 1-MCP and CO2 treatments. An increase of water soluble pectins was coincident with firmness loss. The delay of firmness loss seemed to be associated with the migration of calcium to wall matrix, especially pectins, resulting in the increase of wall bound calcium. The polygalacturonase activity was significantly reduced by 1-MCP alone 1 day after t reatment and increased to similar level of activity 5 days after treatment compared to other treatment except air treated control whereas pectin methylesterase activity seemed not to be affected by both 1-MCP and CO 2 treatments. Thus, the molecular shift of pectic polymers appeared not to be related with pectin methylesterase. Further study is required to clarify the softening mechanism associated with molecular shift of pectic polymers and the inter- or intra-cellular movement of calcium ions induced by postharvest treatments of 1-MCP and CO2.

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