
The hospital is where the health services are operated and maintained with the utmost regard for the building and environmental hygiene aspect both physically, waste, liquid waste, clean water and insect/pest animals.Akantetapi to create the hygiene in hospitals is an attempt which is quite difficult and complex nature of the dealing with various aspects of, among others, culture/society behaviors, habits, environmental conditions, social and technological. Hospital waste is any waste generated by the activities of the hospital and other supporting activities.Hospital waste, in particular the infectious medical waste that has not been in the manage well will be catastrophic for the environment.Many hospitals have yet to manage infectious wastes according procedural should be.Not rare cases medical and non medical waste mixed giving rise to the problem of medical waste. Hospital waste processing can be done in various ways, by giving priority to sterilization, namely in the form of a reduction in volume, the use of sterilization must return with the first, recycling and processing.The most important thing in the processing of waste is the separation of waste, waste storage, handling of waste and waste disposal must be in accordance with the provisions of the regulations.So as not to give a negative impact to the environment.


  • Hospital waste processing can be done in various ways, by giving priority to sterilization, namely in the form of a reduction in volume, the use of sterilization must return with the first, recycling and processing.The most important thing in the processing of waste is the separation of waste, waste storage, handling of waste and waste disposal must be in accordance with the provisions of the regulations.So as not to give a negative impact to the environment

  • Akantetapi to create the hygiene in hospitals is an attempt which is quite difficult

  • any waste generated by the activities of the hospital

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Rumah sakit adalah tempat pelayanan kesehatan yang dioperasikan dan dipelihara dengan sangat memperhatikan aspek kebersihan bangunan dan lingkungan baik secara fisik, sampah, limbah cair, air bersih serta serangga/ binatang pengganggu. Akantetapi untuk menciptakan kebersihan di rumah sakit membutuhkan upaya yang bersifat kompleks karena berhubungan dengan berbagai aspek antara lain budaya/ kebiasaan, perilaku masyarakat, kondisi lingkungan, sosial dan teknologi. Pendirian Rumah Sakit tersebut membuat dampak tersendiri bagi lingkungan yaitu peningkatan kualitas efluen limbah rumah sakit, dimana banyak sistem pengelolaannya yang tidak memenuhi syarat menyebabkan limbah rumah sakit dapat mencemari lingkungan tempat tinggal penduduk disekitar rumah sakit dan sudah pasti dapat menimbulkan masalah kesehatan. 1. Ketidakpedulian dari manajemen rumah sakit terhadap pengelolaan lingkungan yang telah diatur secara jelas dalam peraturan Analisa Dampak Lingkunganmenimbulkan tumpukan sampah ataupun limbah yang dibuang tidak sebagaimana mestinya.Hal ini berdampak pada kehidupan masyarakat sekitar yang menjadi tidak sehat sehingga menurunkan kualitas kehidupan. 78-90 menyebabkan cedera melalui sobekan atau tusukan.Bendabendatajam yang terbuang mungkin terkontaminasi oleh darah, cairan tubuh, bahan mikrobiologi, bahan beracun atau radio aktif

Limbah Infeksius
Limbah Citotoksik
Limbah Farmasi
Limbah Radio Aktif
Limbah Plastik
Pengaruh Limbah Rumah Sakit Terhadap Lingkungan dan Kesehatan
TingkatPotensi Pencemaran Limbah Medis Rumah Sakit
Limbah dari unit lain
Limbah Cair
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