
The specific objectives of this research are to: 1). Knowing the Principal's Leadership at Al-Ikhwan Assalam Islamic Boarding School; 2). Knowledge of the principal's socialism in leading the Al-Ikhwan Assalam Islamic Boarding School. 3). Knowing the professionalism of the leadership of school principals at the Al-Ikhwan Assalam Islamic Boarding School; 4). Finding and analyzing the effectiveness of the principal's leadership in improving teacher competence on lesson plans at the Al-Ikhwan Assalam Islamic Boarding School. This type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Methods of collecting data by means of observation, interviews and documentation. Techniques of data analysis by reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions or verification. The results of the research and discussion show that from the socialism perspective of the principal, it is known that the principal's social competence is in establishing good relationships with internal and external parties of the school. In terms of Managerial Leadership in the ability of teachers to prepare lesson plans by providing directions, instructions for implementing learning, supervision and evaluation of activities, in terms of the ability of school principals who are able to protect, provide examples and solve problems and achievements at the MAS Al-Ikhwan Assalam school. The Effectiveness of Principal Leadership in Improving Teacher Competence, RPP, the results show that most teachers are able to be independent in making and compiling lesson plans.


  • Pemimpin formal atau biasanya disebut kepala sekolah/madrasah ialah “seorang, yang oleh organisasi tertentu, ditunjuk untuk memangku suatu jabatan dalam struktur organisasi yang ada, dengan segala hal dan kewajiban yang berkaitan dengannya, untuk mencapai sasaran-sasaran organisasi tersebut yang ditetapkan sejak semula (Mesiono, 2012)

  • The results of the research and discussion show that from the socialist perspective of the principal, it is known that the principal's social competence is in establishing good relationships with internal and external parties of the school

  • The Effectiveness of Principal Leadership in Improving Teacher Competence, Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), the results show that most teachers are able to be independent in making and compiling lesson plans

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Pemimpin formal atau biasanya disebut kepala sekolah/madrasah ialah “seorang (pria atau wanita), yang oleh organisasi tertentu (swasta atau pemerintah), ditunjuk (berdasarkan surat-surat keputusan pengangkatan dari organisasi yang bersangkutan) untuk memangku suatu jabatan dalam struktur organisasi yang ada, dengan segala hal dan kewajiban yang berkaitan dengannya, untuk mencapai sasaran-sasaran organisasi tersebut yang ditetapkan sejak semula (Mesiono, 2012). EFEKTIVITAS KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA SEKOLAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN GURU MENYUSUN RPP DI MAS AL-IKHWAN SERAPUH Pada tercapainya keefektifan kepemimpinan kepala madrasah dalam peningkatan kompetensi guru menyusun RPP maka perlu mengetahui empat kompetensi yang wajib dimiliki oleh kepala sekolah, yaitu : manajerial, sosial dan professional(Badeni 2013).

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