
 Previous studies accomplished that the chayote ethanol extract (Sechium edule (Jack) Sw) had an
 antihypertensive effect. To get and identify the active compound, we fractionated the extract and
 evaluated its antihypertensive activity. This study aims to investigate the antihypertensive effect of
 the n-hexane fraction (HF-CEE) and ethyl acetate fraction of chayote ethanol extract (EAF-CEE)
 in monosodium glutamate (MSG)-induced hypertensive rats. We made the chayote extract using the
 maceration method by soaking the chayote simplicia in ethanol 70%. HF-CEE and EAF-CEE were
 obtained by stratified fractionation using n-hexane and ethyl acetate. An antihypertensive effect of
 the fraction measured on MSG-induced hypertension male Wistar rats after MSG 100 mg/kg
 BW/day (p.o) treatment for 14 days. The study concluded that HF-CEE and EAF-CEE had an
 antihypertensive effect in MSG-induced hypertensive rats. The EAF-CEE antihypertensive effect is
 higher than HF-CEE. Therefore, the FEAF-CEE active compounds need to be isolated, identified,
 developed, and their potential as an antihypertensive candidate.
 Keywords: Antihypertensive, chayote, ethyl-acetate fraction, Sechium edule, monosodium

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