
During labor, women experience many reproductive changes, one of which is uterine involution. If the uterine involution is late to return to normal, it will cause subinvolution, puerperal gymnastic techniques and kegel exercises are the easiest techniques to use and are very effective. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of puerperal gymnastic and kegel exercises on uterine involution in postpartum mothers day 1-3 at BPM Hj. Nengah Mardani Tenggarang Bondowoso. This type of research uses a pre-experimental research methodology using a two-group interpretation-posttest design, with a sample of 30 respondents. The sampling technique in this study used total sampling. Data analysis used paired sample t test and independent t test. The independent t test results showed that there was no significant difference between puerperal gymnastic and kegel exercises in overcoming uterine involution in postpartum mothers with a p value of 0.039 (p value> α 0.05). Of the two techniques, Kegel exercises were more effective in reducing involution. uterus with a mean difference of 6.7333> than the mean puerperal gymnastic of 5.8000.


  • Setelah melahirkan, rahim seorang wanita tidak secara cepat kembali seperti semula, akan tetapi mengalami proses yang lambat

  • very effective. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of puerperal gymnastic

  • that there was no significant difference between puerperal gymnastic

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Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan

Rahim seorang wanita tidak secara cepat kembali seperti semula, akan tetapi mengalami proses yang lambat. Jika involusi uterus berjalan normal, ini dapat mengurangi insiden perdarahan, terutama perdarahan post partum yang merupakan salah satu penyebab langsung kematian ibu. Puerperal gymnastics suatu aktifitas yang dianjurkan untuk dilakukan bagi ibu pada masa nifas, puerperal gymnastics sangat dianjurkan agar dilakukan sesegera mungkin setelah melahirkan, agar otot-otot yang mengalami peregangan selama kehamilan dan persalinan dapat kembali ke kondisi normal seperti sebelumnya Berdasarkan hasil penelitian (ramin & ayuning, 2017) yang telah dilakukan tentang hubungan Puerperal gymnastics terhadap involusi uterus pada ibu nifas didapatkan 74,6% orang ibu yang mengalami penurunan involusi uteri dengan cepat. Berdasarkan fenomena di atas peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian tentang “Efektifitas puerperal gymnastics dan kegel exercises terhadap involusi uterus pada ibu post partum pada hari 1-3 di BPS Hj. Nengah Mardani. 1) Data penurunan TFU pada ibu postpartum pada kelompok intervensi (puerperal gymnastic)

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