
Fennel plants are plants that have various traditional properties, such as facilitating breast milk or lactagogum. The aim of this research was to give ethanol extract of fennel fruit to increase the level of the hormone prolactin in lactating mice, so that the milk produced was increased. Subjects consisted of 12 postpartum female rats, divided into 1 control group (1% CMC Na) and 3 treatment groups (doses of 100, 500 and 1000 mg / Kg BW). Fennel fruit extract was given orally for each group for 14 days, after the treatment of blood samples were taken and centrifuged, the serum was read by Elisa Reader. The data obtained were analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, one-way ANAVA and Tukey's Multiple Comparison (post hoc test). Fennel fruit extract given from a dose of 100; 500 and 1000 mg / kg BW can significantly increase levels of the hormone prolactin (p 0.05) in nursing mice, respectively by 42.11; 44.26 and 43.83 ng / mL compared to controls (32.64 ng/mL).


  • Fennel plants are plants that have various traditional properties, such as facilitating breast milk or lactagogum

  • give ethanol extract of fennel fruit to increase the level of the hormone prolactin in lactating mice

  • Subjects consisted of 12 postpartum female rats

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Rendemen (%) 4,91 dengan dosis (CMC Na 1%), II (100 mg/Kg BB), III (500 mg/Kg BB) dan IV (1000 mg/Kg BB). Plasma yang diperoleh dimasukkan kedalam well kit hormone prolactin elisa kit dan ditambahkan reagen kit elisa lalu diinkubasi selama 30 menit lalu dibaca dengan elisa reader diperoleh data absorbansi sampel dan standar baku hormon prolaktin. Data berat badan tikus (200–400 gram) dan kadar hormon prolaktin diuji distribusi normal dengan menggunakan kolmogorov smirnov. Kadar hormon prolaktin dhitung dengan menggunakan persamaan regresi linear y = bx + a dan dilanjutkan dengan diuji menggunakan One-Way ANOVA tiap kelompok perlakuan dengan dibandingkan dengan kontrol CMC Na 1%. Ekstrak tersebut dilakukan perhitungan rendemennya dari berat simplisia kering yang dimaserasi dan didapatkan berat rendemen pada tabel dibawah ini. Hasil rendemen ekstrak etanol buah adas pada tabel 1 sebesar 4,91%, rendemen ini terbilang sedikit jumlahnya disebabkan oleh bagian tanaman, pelarut ekstraksi dan ukuran partikel buah adas yang digunakan (Ismail et al, 2012). Skrining fitokimia dilakukan terhadap ekstrak buah adas dapat dilihat pada Tabel 2

Kadar Prolaktin
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