
To enhance the efficiency of production of beef, some countries use β-adrenergics, promoters of non-hormonal growth, on final phase of beef cattle. These substances are chemically and pharmacologically similar to the natural catecholamines (dopamine, noreprinephrine and eprinephrine) and promote an increase of the deposition rate of muscle tissue, with consequent decrease in the deposition of adipose tissue. The β-adrenergic most used in beef cattle are ractopamine hydrochloride and zilpaterol hydrochloride. These products should only be used in confined cattle during the finishing period. According to studies, there are various effects of administration of β-adrenergic for beef cattle. The main effects are increased muscle mass, with consequent increase of the carcass weight, weight gain and feed conversion. Greater carcass yield, larger loin eye area and larger diameter of the muscle fibers of the meat were also observed. In some studies, we obtained lower deposition of subcutaneous and visceral fat and lower marbling score in beef.

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