
Pervasive Underwater sensor networks (UWSNs) establish the communication in underwater for various applications such as natural exploration, surveillance, resource management etc. The Energy and Reliability are the prime factors to achieve effective communication through acoustic channel of these networks. Many researches attempted to improve these two factors through various methods in UWSNS. This paper proposes a communication model called EERCM that utilizes the advantage of Enhanced Network Coding based Energy Efficient and Reliable Multi-path routing to improve reliability and energy efficiency in UWSN. This model reduces the energy consumption of acoustic nodes to achieve Energy efficiency by adopting the hop-by-hop transmission method to form multipath and each node maintains the paths information for local nodes to the next hop node without establishment of end-to-end paths and the neighbor nodes are diverged into groups during the hop node election and then the sensed information is sent to the next hop node that hop to lesser sink node. This redundant information provides reliable communication. This model is implemented and its performances are evaluated.

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