
The paper discusses the interrelationships between education focused on creativity and innovation as well as economic growth. The author takes into account the following cognitive perspectives: the pedagogy perspective (education), the psychology perspective (creativity), and the economics perspective (economic growth and innovation). Education for creativity is presented as one of the possible ways of stimulating economic growth. The author emphasizes that the cause-effect relationships between inputs and outputs of innovation in the economy should take education for creativity into consideration. The research findings regarding the importance of creativity in the curricula of the education systems in EU countries are presented in order to illustrate the main points of the discussion. The focus on creativity in curricula is a potential new area of measurement of innovation inputs, an approach which is currently neglected or underestimated. Education for creativity development has gone beyond the research focus of psychology and pedagogy and, according to the author, should become a strategic priority in the economic agenda of modern public policies. The postulates, arguments and research findings presented in this paper are aimed to support this statement.


  • The research findings regarding the importance of creativity in the curricula of the education systems in EU countries are presented in order to illustrate the main points of the discussion

  • Education for creativity development has gone beyond the research focus of psychology and pedagogy and, according to the author, should become a strategic priority in the economic agenda of modern public policies

  • L., 1995, Creativity: Asset or Burden in the Classroom?, “Creativity Research Journal”, vol 8, no. 1

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The paper discusses the interrelationships between education focused on creativity and innovation as well as economic growth. The author takes into account the following cognitive perspectives: the pedagogy perspective (education), the psychology perspective (creativity), and the economics perspective (economic growth and innovation). Education for creativity development has gone beyond the research focus of psychology and pedagogy and, according to the author, should become a strategic priority in the economic agenda of modern public policies. Kreatywność to zagadnienie, które jest obiektem badań i zainteresowań bardzo szerokiego grona badaczy: socjologów, ekonomistów, psychologów, pedagogów i innych. Kreatywność od niedawna staje się obiektem większego zainteresowania ekonomistów, dla których jest ona kompetencją niezbędną w odniesieniu do innowacyjności przedsiębiorstw, która z kolei pozytywnie wpływa na wzrost gospodarczy. Edukacja dla kreatywności przestała więc być jedynie obszarem zainteresowań psychologów i pedagogów, a zdaniem autora, powinna stać się priorytetem strategicznym polityki państwowej. Prezentowane w niniejszym opracowaniu tezy, argumenty i wyniki badań posłużyły poparciu tej tezy

Istota kreatywności
Kreatywność w programach nauczania
Sposoby promowania kreatywności w szkołach
Sposoby pobudzania kreatywności u uczniów
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