
Multicultural education is still very foreign to elementary school teachers and students. Need innovation in introducing multicultural education to elementary school students through educational story book. The aims of this study are: 1) developing educational story book based on tolerance character, 2) knowing the feasibility of the educational story book based on experts’ judgment, 3) knowing the responses of teachers and students after using educational story book. The development procedure adopted Borg and Gall model. Data collection techniques were questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis techniques was descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis of interactive model. Small group trial subject used six students in the 5th grade of Wirosaban Elementary School. While the large group trial used 20 students in the 5th grade of Pakel Elementary School. The results of the study are educational story book with the title "Berbeda tapi Sama (Divers but the Same)". The mean score of the experts’ assessment are from the learning material is 86,53, language expert is 87,5, and media expert is 88,33. The teacher response in the small group trial is 98,33 and the students’ response is 99,58. The teacher's response in the large group trial is 81,66 and the students response is 97,87. All assessments from experts, teachers, and students are in a very good category. It can be concluded that educational story book with the title "Berbeda tapi Sama " is very feasible to be used to introduce multicultural education in elementary school students.


  • Multicultural education is still very foreign to elementary school teachers and students

  • It can be concluded that educational story book with the title “Berbeda tapi Sama “ is very feasible to be used to introduce multicultural education in elementary school students

  • Diambil kembali dari www. liputan6.com diakses pada tanggal 1 Juli 2017 pukul 18.30

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Buku Cerita Edukatif Berbasis Karakter Toleransi

While the large group trial used 20 students in the 5th grade of Pakel Elementary School. Hasil pra penelitian pada bulan Februari 2018 melalui teknik deep interview dengan guru-guru di SD Negeri Kotagede III, SD Negeri Wirosaban, SD Negeri Pakel dan SD Piri Yogyakarta menunjukkan bahwa guru sudah memahami secara sederhana terkait pendidikan multikultural, namun masih kesulitan untuk mengajarkan pada siswa. Penelitian ini mengembangkan buku cerita edukasi berbasis karakter toleransi menjadi salah satu sumber belajar untuk mengenalkan pendidikan multikultural bagi siswa SD. Untuk memperoleh data digunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dengan guru dan siswa, observasi saat pembelajaran dan kegiatan persekolahan, angket penilaian produk dari ahli media, materi, dan bahasa, angket respon pengguna yaitu guru dan siswa. Teknik analisis data kuantitatif yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kelayakan produk buku cerita didapatkan dari hasil penilaian para ahli dan angket respon siswa dan guru.

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