
The research aims to make An Educational program according to kinematic comparison between a straight vertical hit and hitting the ball with the flat-face as the basis for developing an educational program for beginners in field hockey. The researchers used the pre and post measurement experimental method for a single experimental group and 3D kinamatic analysis using five high-speed cameras and the Simi Motion Analyses computer program the first group (racket games) at the Faculty of Physical Education girls of Zagazig University, for the academic year 2017/2018, and the number of (856) students. Represented by (7) players of the Zagazig University team for field hockey due to their excellence in the skills of the straight vertical strike and hitting the ball with the flat face in field hockey, and each player performed (3) attempts for each skill of skills in question, and was chosen the best attempt for each player according to The accuracy of the pass, to become the number of attempts analyzed and subjected to statistical analysis (7) tries to the skill of the straight vertical blow, (7) tries to the skill of hitting the ball, attachment (6) presents images of the Research procedures.

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