
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is a unified country with multi nationalities. Besides the Han nationality, there are 55 other nationalities. Since the founding of the PRC, China’s ethnic minorities have enjoyed preferential treatment and policy privileges. The policies have had a great impact on many aspects of the lives of ethnic minority individuals, covering from family planning (exemption from minimum marriage age and one-child strictures), employment (incentives for hiring and promotion of government officials), business development (special loans and grants, exemption from some taxes), to political representation. In education, they include preferential admissions, lowered school fees, boarding schools, and remedial programs (Sautman, 1999). The Chinese government has given priority to the development of ethical education in the minority areas, based on a consideration of the special natural, historical and social situations in the development of ethnic education (Wang, 2007). The PRC has paid much attention to the development of education for ethnic minorities. The Chinese Constitution, the Law regarding Ethnic Regional Autonomy and the Law regarding Compulsory Education of the PRC contain clauses that clearly stipulate principles for supporting and helping the ethnic minority populations develop education.

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