
Editing is a general event in plant mitochondrial messenger RNAs, but has never been detected in a plant mitochondrial transfer RNA (tRNA). We demonstrate here the occurrence of a tRNA editing event in higher plant mitochondria: in both bean and potato, the C encoded at position 4 in the mitochondrial tRNA(Phe)(GAA) gene is converted into a U in the mature tRNA. This nucleotide change corrects the mismatched C4-A69 base-pair which appears when folding the gene sequence into the cloverleaf structure and it is consistent with the fact that C to U transitions constitute the common editing events affecting plant mitochondrial messenger RNAs. The tRNA(Phe)(GAA) gene is located upstream of the single copy tRNA(Pro)(UGG) gene in both the potato and the bean mitochondrial DNAs. The sequences of potato and bean tRNA(Pro)(UGG) genes are colinear with the sequence of the mature bean mitochondrial tRNA(Pro)(UGG), demonstrating that this tRNA is not edited. A single copy tRNA(Ser)(GCU) gene was found upstream of the tRNA(Phe) gene in the potato mitochondrial DNA. A U6-U67 mismatched base-pair appears in the cloverleaf folding of this gene and is maintained in the mature potato mitochondrial tRNA(Ser)(GCU), which argues in favour of the hypothesis that the editing system of plant mitochondria can only perform C to U or occasionally U to C changes.

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