
It has been proposed that competition between ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi and free-living saprotrophs for resources like nitrogen (N) slows decomposition and increases the soil carbon storage in ECM ecosystems compared to arbuscular (AM) ecosystems. However, empirical evidence for the generality of such ECM effects is equivocal, and confounding mechanisms have been proposed that affect the magnitude and direction of ECM effects on soil carbon. Here we conduct a theoretical modeling experiment, where we explicitly incorporate mycorrhizal processes into the Carbon, Organisms, Rhizosphere, and Protection in the Soil Environment (CORPSE) model. We use the model to explore the conditions under which ECM N acquisition processes can induce stronger saprotrophic N limitation and result in slower decomposition rates and greater soil organic carbon accumulation compared to AM processes. We found that the ECM fungi more strongly inhibited decomposition when litter inputs were N-depleted and relatively recalcitrant and when ECM fungi possessed a strong capacity to mine N from both recalcitrant soil organic matter and microbial necromass. Climate and seasonality also played a role as the ECM competition effect was strongest at low mean annual temperatures and when litterfall peaked seasonally. Priming effects driven by high root exudation rates in ECM-dominated systems could overwhelm the competition effect and reduce soil carbon under some circumstances. The ECM effect on decomposition in our simulations was highly context dependent. Based on our model results, we expect to see a strong ECM competition effect in temperate deciduous and boreal forests with relatively recalcitrant litter inputs, and with ECM fungi that produce oxidases and necromass-degrading enzymes. However, even a relatively strong ECM competition effect on decomposition only increased soil organic carbon accumulation by ∼10%.

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