
Recreational activities are based on the use of tangible and intangible resources, functions and services of ecosystems. The modern science of rest does not fully take into account the values of ecosystem services in the process of acceptance by the subjects of recreation of managerial decisions. Problems of the definition of ecosystem services and the uncertainty of the methodological tools for their evaluation determine the complexity of their typology. Purpose: to develop a typology of functions and services of ecosystems that provide environmentally friendly and favorable conditions for recreational development of territories based on the analysis of the definitions of "ecosystem services". More often ecosystem services are considered in terms of anthropocentrism, so the largest number of publications are devoted to the treatment of the economic essence of ecosystem services as a list of goods and services provided by nature, that is, they include all functions of natural capital. Despite the general recognition of the classification of ecosystem services presented in the integrated report of the UN Program "Ecosystems and Welfare of Society", work on their typology continues. The article analyzes the approaches of foreign and domestic scientists to the definition of the essence-content basis of ecosystem services. A comparative table of definitions of the term "ecosystem services", based on the interpretation of the concept by various authors and scientific documents, is developed. The complexities of the complete assessment of economic, socio - cultural and ecological characteristics of ecosystem services are determined. The deficiency of the inclusion of ecosystem services in the process of making managerial decisions and mechanisms of functioning of subjects of various branches of the economy, various forms of ownership, including in the recreational sphere, is identified. The categories and types of ecosystem services that ensure the functioning of recreational complexes are analyzed and substantiated. The benefits of using ecosystem services in recreational activities are determined. The typology of ecosystem services, which provide recreational use of the territory, is developed. Measures to implement the concept of ecosystem services during the formation of the territory development strategy are proposed.

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