This article shows the calculation of a the organization of the innovation process as a scientific direction can be considered as a form of scientific knowledge, studying the laws of creation and development of production systems and forming methods of production organization, which provide effective construction and interaction of elements, parts and structure of systems in dynamic conditions of production. Organization of development of new products includes preparation of production of new and modernization of manufactured products, improvement of production technology, current regulation and control of all production units. It covers all stages of production and is systemic in nature, subordinating all private tasks to the main - the maximum satisfaction of social needs through the production of competitive products. In the system plan the organization of innovative activity represents set of forms, methods and receptions of scientifically proved connection of labor force with means of production. This connection is based on the specified goals of the system and the functions of its individual elements. The type of production is defined by the complex characteristic of technical, organizational and economic features of production caused by breadth of the nomenclature, regularity, stability and volume of production. A single production is characterized by a small volume of production of the same products, the re-manufacture and repair of which, as a rule, are not provided. Single and close to it small-scale production is characterized by the manufacture of parts of a large range of jobs that do not have a certain specialization. This production should be sufficiently flexible and adapted to the implementation of various production orders. The sites are equipped with universal equipment and equipment, the operations are used by workers-generalists of high qualification, in many areas practiced combination of professions. Serial production is characterized by the production of a limited range of parts in batches, repeated at regular intervals. This allows the production of new products to use along with universal special equipment.
Choice of financial methods, instruments and techniques for managing the movement of financial resources and capital нальные и межгосударственные связи получают стимулирование развития вследствие применения инструментов менеджмента для повышения привлекательности региона, в частности, для организации производства
This article shows the calculation of a the organization of the innovation process as a scientific direction can be considered as a form of scientific knowledge, studying the laws of creation and development of production systems and forming methods of production organization, which provide effective construction and interaction of elements, parts and structure of systems in dynamic conditions of production
Organization of development of new products includes preparation of production of new and modernization of manufactured products, improvement of production technology, current regulation and control of all production units. It covers all stages of production and is systemic in nature, subordinating all private tasks to the main - the maximum satisfaction of social needs through the production of competitive products
Воронежский государственный университет инженерных технологий, пр-т Революции, 19, 394036, г. Организация освоения новой продукции включает в себя подготовку производства новых и модернизацию выпускаемых видов продукции, совершенствование технологии изготовления продукции, текущее регулирование и контроль работы всех производственных звеньев. Единичное производство характеризуется малым объемом выпуска одинаковых изделий, повторное изготовление и ремонт которых, как правило, не предусматриваются. Единичное и близкое к нему мелкосерийное производства характеризуются изготовлением деталей большой номенклатуры на рабочих местах, не имеющих определенной специализации. Серийное производство характеризуется изготовлением ограниченной номенклатуры деталей партиями, повторяющимися через определенные промежутки времени. Это позволяет при производстве новых изделий использовать наряду с универсальным специальное оборудование.Проведен анализ финансового состояния предприятия, в результате которого определены возможные варианты размещения активов предприятия; определены и проанализированы источники финансирования в динамике за ряд лет; произведена оценка фондов обращения предприятия; определен размер кредиторской и дебиторской задолженности; определено отношение отдельных элементов оборотных средств ко всей их совокупности и платежеспособный спрос
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