
Daily activity is bimodal during the largest part of the annual activity period. Many individuals (27.78-57.14%) show broken tails but both interpopulation and intersexual differences of injury frequencies are not significant. Hibernation usually lasts from early Nov. to late Feb. or early March. Most copulations are observed from early April to early May. Females with oviductal and/or large ovarian eggs are present mainly from mid April to mid July, but the peak of gestation occurs from mid May to mid June. Normally there are two clutches per season. The first oviposition occurs from mid May to early June and the second one from mid June to mid July. Hatching usually takes place from mid July or early Aug. to early Sept., after an incubation period of about 8-9 weeks. Sex ratio is usually near 1:1, and observed deviations are not significant. Reproductive maturity in females is attained at an approximate snout-vent length (SVL) of 52-56 mm, which corresponds to an age of 18-20 months. Clutch size ranges from 2 to 10 eggs (usually from 3 to 5 eggs), and is significantly larger in mainland populations. There is a positive correlation between SVL and clutch size in most populations studied. Oviductal egg size and mass differ significantly among the populations examined but are not correlated to SVL. The ratio of egg to body mass differs significantly among some of the studied populations,

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