
Aphidius colemani Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a solitary endoparasitoid used for biological control of many economically important pest aphids. Given its widespread use, a vast array of literature on this natural enemy exists. Though often highly effective for aphid suppression, the literature reveals that A. colemani efficacy within greenhouse production systems can be reduced by many stressors, both biotic (plants, aphid hosts, other natural enemies) and abiotic (climate and lighting). For example, effects from 3rd and 4th trophic levels (fungal-based control products, hyperparasitoids) can suddenly decimate A. colemani populations. But, the most chronic negative effects (reduced parasitoid foraging efficiency, fitness) seem to be from stressors at the first trophic level. Negative effects from the 1st trophic level are difficult to mediate since growers are usually constrained to particular plant varieties due to market demands. Major research gaps identified by our review include determining how plants, aphid hosts, and A. colemani interact to affect the net aphid population, and how production conditions such as temperature, humidity and lighting affect both the population growth rate of A. colemani and its target pest. Decades of research have made A. colemani an essential part of biological control programs in greenhouse crops. Future gains in A. colemani efficacy and aphid biological control will require an interdisciplinary, systems approach that considers plant production and climate effects at all trophic levels.


  • Aphidius colemani (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a solitary, koinobiont endoparasitoid of aphids, and is one of the most successful commercial biological control agents used in greenhouse crops.Thought to be of Indian or Pakistani origin [1], this parasitoid wasp was first used in biological control programs in the early 1970s [2], and has been mass reared and sold commercially since 1991 [3].Aphidius colemani is currently used throughout the world, and is available from multiple commercial suppliers

  • This study showed positive effects of nitrogen on A. colemani, nitrogen can increase pest hyperparasitoid population growth [103,104,105], which may lead to negative effects on biological control programs

  • Studies should determine how A. colemani reacts in the presence of suitable and/or unsuitable aphid host species, as studies with other aphid biological control agents in greenhouse crops have suggested that such multi-pest environments can lead to differential control [134,135]

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Aphidius colemani (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a solitary, koinobiont endoparasitoid of aphids, and is one of the most successful commercial biological control agents used in greenhouse crops. Compared to three other economically important Aphidiine parasitoids (including Aphidius matricariae), A. colemani was the most effective at controlling A. gossypii in the greenhouse due to its higher parasitism rate on this host [14]. Any factor which reduces parasitoid abundance (e.g., affects development time, survival, longevity, reproduction), attack rate (e.g., affects searching ability, flight capacity, host preference, prey defenses), or increases prey growth rate (e.g., affects aphid development time, survival, fecundity, defenses), could allow pest populations to grow. Trophic levels include the crop plant, the host aphid, intra- and inter-guild interactions with other natural enemies, and hyperparasitoids. Abiotic factors such as temperature, humidity, air flow, and toxic chemicals in the environment can inhibit the functioning of A. colemani in isolation or in concert with biotic effects. Variable absorbing), and changes in photoperiod) profiles, which in turn could affect A. colemani

Direct Plant Effects
Indirect Plant Effects
Host Aphid Effects on Parasitoid Development and Fitness
Considerations at the 3rd and 4th Trophic Levels
Abiotic Considerations
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