
The Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio )i s an exotic benthivorous fish that can have negative impacts in aquatic ecosystems. This study examines the direct and indirect ecological impacts of Common Carp on water column nutrient concentrations, suspended solids, sedimentation, and submersed macrophytes in large (5-7 ha) experimental wetlands in Delta Marsh, Manitoba, Canada. In general, the effects of Common Carp on water quality were similar to those encountered in systems undergoing cultural eutrophica- tion. With increasing densities of Common Carp, water column nutrient concentrations, suspended solids, and chlo- rophyll a increased while dissolved oxygen concentrations, submersed macrophyte density, and photic depth decreased. The wetlands did not become noticeably more turbid, contrary to our expectation, probably due to the mitigating effects of dense submersed macrophyte beds, and to high water color that likely prevented phytoplankton from flourishing.

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