
<p>Eclogite-hosted metamorphic veins mark former fluid migration pathways during a subduction-exhumation cycle, and allow to trace fluid-mediated element transfer across lithologies, to ultimately metasomatize the mantle wedge. Fluids can be generated by dehydration reactions at different P-T conditions in various lithologies, all influencing how different chemical constituents are dissolved and re-precipitated. Here we present a study of eclogite-hosted quartz-rich metamorphic veins in the Variscan Münchberg Massif. The eclogites probably represent subducted continental crust that was variably hydrated and subjected to amphibolite facies conditions before reaching eclogite facies peak conditions of ca. 3 GPa and 700°C.</p><p>Isolated, mm-sized quartz pockets with euhedral high-pressure minerals are common in the Münchberg eclogites, but continuous veins that may have allowed focused fluid flow beyond specimen scale are rare. Nevertheless, where such veins occur, they can contain high-pressure minerals such as garnet and omphacite, but also rutile, zircon, and allanite, indicating high field strength-element (HFSE) mobility at least on the specimen scale. Garnet- and omphacite-bearing veins are typically 1-10 mm thick with average crystal sizes of 1 mm and less. A different vein type is mostly similar in thickness, but consists of quartz + phenocrysts (sometimes >1 cm long) of kyanite, phengite, and/or rutile. Symplectite-rich selvages surrounded by mostly fresh host eclogite are common.</p><p>Oxygen isotope thermometry of quartz-garnet, quartz-phengite, and quartz-kyanite pairs yield temperatures around 700°C, interpreted to represent vein crystallization. δ<sup>18</sup>O values of vein quartz (+6.1 to +10.5‰) from all vein types are identical to δ<sup>18</sup>O values of host rock quartz (the latter were predicted from mass balance modelling at 700°C based on host rock δ<sup>18</sup>O values from +4.0 to +7.9‰). While it is evident that the garnet- and omphacite-bearing veins were formed under eclogite facies conditions, pressures are uncertain for the quartz-rutile, quartz-phengite, and quartz-kyanite veins. Still, vein formation at relatively high pressures seems probable, as solubilities of chemical components tend to increase with pressure, facilitating HFSE mobilization from the source rock. We propose that internal fluids were generated by dehydration of phengite and/or zoisite and/or amphibole from the eclogites. Isolated quartz-rich pockets formed in eclogites that may have released only small amounts of fluid, whereas continuous metamorphic veins were formed in eclogites that produced more fluid, probably reflecting a more intense hydration before eclogite facies metamorphism. The internal origin of the fluids supported by oxygen isotope evidence argues against fluid transport over large distances. The fluids may have largely remained in place before being consumed for symplectite formation upon retrogression to amphibolite facies conditions.</p>

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