
The distribution of ecdysteroid binding sites in the stomach and gastrolith disc tissue of crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) was examined in relation to the molting stage by thaw-mount autoradiography. The radiolabeled hormone analogue ponasterone A (25-deoxy-20-hydroxyecdysone) was used. Ecdysteroid binding sites were demonstrated only in certain molting stages, the small gastrolith period and the aftermolt stage. In gastrolith epithelium, ponasterone A binding sites first appeared in the cytoplasm, and then in the nuclei and cytoplasm. In the stomach epithelium, many nuclear binding sites were detectable during the period of gastrolith secretion. These periodical changes in specific ponasterone A binding when correlated with the molting stages clearly show that ecdysteroids may function as an initiator for gastrolith formation and reabsorption. The findings also suggest that ecdysteroids control calcium transport in the stomach epithelium. The time-related and functional differences of cytoplasmic and nuclear concentration of ecdysteroid receptors indicate the presence of cytoplasmic and nuclear receptors associated with specific actions.

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